PRF filler in Erie, PA

PRF filler in Erie At SpaGo MedSpa

At SpaGo MedSpa in Erie, PA, we are proud to offer PRF filler, an advanced and natural skin rejuvenation treatment. This service utilizes the natural healing and regenerative properties of your own blood, ensuring a treatment that’s 100% natural with no additives.

Rediscover your skin’s youthfulness naturally. Visit SpaGo MedSpa in Erie, PA for your PRF filler treatment. Book your appointment today and step towards a more radiant and rejuvenated appearance!

Understanding PRF Filler:

PRF (Platelet-Rich Fibrin) filler is a step ahead of traditional PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) treatments. While both use components of the blood, PRF is superior due to its unique processing method, which yields a gel rich in platelets and growth factors. This all-natural gel is then carefully injected into targeted areas to promote skin rejuvenation.

Areas of Treatment:

PRF filler is exceptionally effective for:

  • Diminishing lines around the mouth
  • Refreshing under-eye areas
  • Treating wrinkles and volume loss in the face, neck, and hands

Treatment Areas

Forehead Lines

Minimize horizontal lines.

Scowl Lines

Soften the wrinkles between your eyebrows, or the “11’s.”

Bunny Lines

Address wrinkles caused by nose scrunching.

Brow Lift

Elevate your brows and accentuate your eyes.

Crow's Feet

Reduce lines around your eyes for a rejuvenated appearance.

Lip Lines / Lip Flip

Enhance your smile by minimizing lines and augmenting lip fullness.

Dimpled Chin

Iron out the dimpled texture on the chin.

Platysma (Vertical Neck Cords)

Restore your neck by reducing visible cords.

Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)

Use Botox to mitigate excessive sweating.

Treatment Areas

Forehead Lines

Erase horizontal forehead lines with Botox or Dysport. These treatments can prevent or reduce wrinkles, maintaining a youthful and vibrant appearance. Often combined with scowl line treatment for balanced, natural results.

Scowl Lines

Smooth the wrinkles between your eyebrows, known as “11’s,” with Botox or Dysport. This quick treatment refreshes your look by keeping scowl lines at bay.

Bunny Lines

Eliminate the wrinkles that appear when scrunching your nose, called bunny lines. A brief treatment with Botox or Dysport leaves your skin smooth and beautiful.

Brow Lift

Revitalize tired eyes with Botox or Dysport. This quick treatment lifts the eyebrows, enhancing your youthful appearance and accentuating your gorgeous eyes.

Crow's Feet

Smooth the lines at the outer corners of your eyes, known as crow’s feet, with Botox or Dysport. This treatment helps keep your eyes looking youthful.

Lip Lines / Lip Flip

Smile more with fewer wrinkles! Botox or Dysport can erase fine lines around your smile and provide a Lip Flip for fuller, plumper lips.

Dimpled Chin

Smooth the dimpled or “Orange Peel” appearance on your chin with Botox or Dysport. Achieve a relaxed and youthful look.

Platysma (Vertical Neck Cords)

Reduce the appearance of vertical neck cords, or “Turkey Neck,” with Botox or Dysport. Known as the “Nefertiti Neck Lift,” this treatment smooths the neck, with full effects appreciated within a few weeks.

Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating)

Combat excessive sweating with Botox. FDA-approved for treating hyperhidrosis, Botox can be used on the palms, soles of the feet, and underarms.

Key Benefits:

Benefits of BOTOX®/Dysport®

Before and After


A good candidate for PRF filler is anyone concerned about wrinkles and volume loss, and desires a natural treatment using their body’s resources.

Results are usually visible with PRF filler within a few weeks of treatment.

The rejuvenating effects of PRF filler typically last for several months, though individual results may vary.

PRF filler has minimal downtime, with mild side effects, including possible bruising or swelling at the injection site.

Before PRF filler treatment, avoid blood thinning medications and supplements. Post-treatment, follow the aftercare instructions provided by your specialist, which usually include avoiding excessive sun exposure and rigorous activities for a short period.

During PRF filler treatment, you’ll experience a quick and straightforward process where a small amount of blood is drawn and processed, and the resulting gel is injected into the targeted areas.


BOTOX® and Dysport® are FDA-approved injectable treatments made from a purified form of botulinum toxin. They block the nerve signals that cause muscles to contract, leading to a temporary relaxation of the targeted facial muscles. This relaxation smooths wrinkles and lines, resulting in a more youthful appearance. The treatments are precise and only affect the specific muscles injected, preserving natural facial expressions.

BOTOX® and Dysport® are versatile treatments that can address various facial concerns. Common areas include:

  • Frown lines between the eyebrows (glabellar lines)
  • Crow’s feet around the eyes
  • Forehead lines
  • Neck bands
  • Bunny lines on the nose
  • Dimpled chin
  • Vertical lip lines
  • Excessive sweating (hyperhidrosis) in areas like the underarms (off-label use for BOTOX®)

The treatments can be customized to target specific problem areas, providing tailored results.

Adults under 65 looking to minimize the appearance of moderate to severe wrinkles without surgery are ideal candidates. It’s essential to consult with a qualified provider to assess individual needs, medical history, and aesthetic goals to ensure the treatment is appropriate.

The actual procedure typically takes 10-20 minutes, depending on the areas treated. Results are temporary and usually last up to 4 months. Regular maintenance treatments can sustain the desired effects, and some patients may notice that lines and wrinkles appear less severe over time due to continued muscle relaxation.

Most patients describe the feeling of the injections as a slight pinch or mild discomfort. The needles used are very fine, and the procedure is quick. Topical anesthesia or ice can be applied beforehand to minimize any discomfort. Post-treatment sensations may include temporary redness, swelling, or bruising at the injection site, which generally subsides within a few hours.

Results for Dysport® are often noticeable within 24 to 48 hours, while BOTOX® may take 3 to 5 days to show effects. Side effects are usually mild and temporary, including redness, swelling, or bruising at the site of the injections. Serious side effects are rare but may include difficulty swallowing, speaking, or breathing. It’s critical to choose a qualified and experienced provider to minimize risks and achieve optimal results.

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